Visit your local Miles Pharmacy pharmacist for expert face-to-face advice and support to stop smoking for good

How Can Miles Pharmacy Help You Stop Smoking?

Looking for advice on how to stop smoking? At Miles Pharmacy, our primary goal is to work with you and help you on your journey to a cigarette-free and healthy life. We offer Smoking Cessation Services to give you the assistance and reassurance you need to give up cigarettes for good.

 Many people struggle to stop smoking alone, but with our support and proven smoking cessation methods using nicotine replacement patches, lozenges, or gums, this is your opportunity to give it up for good.

 By participating in a structured programme, you triple your chances of quitting smoking for good. It gives you the tools, medical aids, and support for the physical and emotional challenges of quitting smoking.

Miles Pharmacy has the most comprehensive and effective Smoking Cessation Services in the UK. Come in for a free consultation to learn more about different treatments to help you stop smoking.

No Smoking - Miles Pharmacy
No Smoking- Miles Pharmacy

Quitting Smoking Can Improve Your Quality of Life

By giving up smoking you are guaranteed to improve your health and quality of life. Quitting smoking will reduce the risk of life-threatening diseases and can add as much as 10 years to your life expectancy. It will also decrease the risk of many harmful health effects, including poor reproductive health, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Not only will you feel better, save money, and live a longer and healthier life but you will also protect your family from harmful second-hand effects.

Start a new chapter by quitting smoking today. Your friends and family will thank you for taking these steps to a healthier and happier life!

NHS Smoking Cessation Services at Miles Pharmacy

The NHS provides Smoking Cessation Programmes throughout the UK to help those struggling to stop smoking quit for good. This free programme is available through your GP, designated clinics, or your local pharmacy (including Miles Pharmacy in Epsom).

It consists of a 12-week programme staffed by expert advisers who provide a range of proven methods to help you stop smoking, including:

  • One-on-one and/or group sessions with a trained expert
  • Receive free nicotine therapy medication used as stop smoking treatments.

Nicotine therapy can help to reduce smoking cessation symptoms such as cigarette cravings, feelings of restlessness or irritability, increased hunger, and others.

  • Relapse prevention through ongoing follow-up with advisors
  • Advice and tips for useful methods to stop smoking

If you are looking for the most effective Smoking Cessation Services, then contact Miles Pharmacy in Epsom. Make a commitment to yourself and your family to quit smoking this year. Contact us at with any inquiries or to book an appointment.